Prep 2026
Enrolments for Prep 2026 open on Tuesday 22 April 2025. This is for both in catchment and out of catchment applications. Please submit your enrolment paperwork as soon as possible on or after this date. This is the best way to ensure you are kept up to date with upcoming events and information.
The right age for Prep 2026 is for all children born between 1 July 2020 and 30 June 2021. Our Prep program is planned and designed to cater for all children at all levels of development who are born in this 12 month period.
At Everton Park State School, Prep is a full
time program. Children attend Prep from Monday to Friday. Your child must be
five by 30 June in the year they start Prep.
To find out more about Everton Park State School please contact our office on 3550 2222 or email
Out of Catchment enrolments
Out of catchment placement offers are made in mid October. Placements, if available, are offered in the order in order of receipt, in line with our School Enrolment Management Plan (EMP).
2026 Prep Information Evening
Our 2026 Prep Information Evening will be held on Wednesday 14 May 2025 in the school library starting at 6:00pm, running until approximately 7:30pm. This is an information evening designed for the Parents and Carers of Prep 2026 students.
Prep Interviews & Orientation Days for Prep 2026
Our Prep 2026 Enrolment interviews will be held on Friday 5 September 2025. This is a student free day. An email will be sent out with a link to book in for an interview time prior to this day. Please ensure you have submitted your enrolment paperwork to ensure you receive this email link.
We will be holding our Prep 2026 Orientation mornings on Wednesday 12 and 26 November 2025 between 9am and 10.30am. It is best if you can attend both sessions.
EPSS Playgroup – Playgroup is held every Friday morning 9am - 10am in our undercover shed. It is for ages 0-5 and free to attend. No need to register or RSVP, just pop along and join in the fun!
Please contact our friendly office staff if you have any questions.
We look forward to sharing your child's educational journey with you.