Everton Park State School offers students a number of opportunities throughout the year to participate in various Arts programs, events, incursions and excursions.
- Specialist Arts lessons – Anita Kendes
Years P – 2
Music – Term 1 to Term 4
Dance – Term 1
Drama – Term 2
Media – Term 3
Visual – Term 4
Years 3-6
Music – Term 1 to Term 4
- Instrumental Music lessons – Gundi Kariks and Rachel Andrews
Years 2-6
Strings – Gundi Kariks
Years 3-6
Band – Rachel Andrews
- Junior Choir – Years P-2 – Term 1 to Term 4
- Senior Choir – Years 3-6 – Term 1 to Term 4
- Ukulele Jammers – Years 3-6 – Term 1 to Term 4
- Live Arts performances – incursion in the school hall – Term 2
- MADD Day – excursion to Everton Park State High School – Term 3
- Footsteps Dance – Term 3
Our school offers students the opportunity to join a choir. Years P-2 students in Junior Choir and Years 4-6 students in Senior Choir. Students must be committed to the program by attending weekly rehearsals (during a playtime) and being present to perform at scheduled events throughout the school year ie. ANZAC Day Commemoration, 'Good Vibes Festival' (school fete), Arts Extravaganza, Christmas Carols.
Our school offers a ukulele program to students in Years 3-6. Students must be committed to the 3 year program by rehearsing at home and attending weekly group rehearsals (during a playtime).
Live Arts performers are booked for a performance in Term 2. As a part of The Arts and English curriculum programs, the aim of this performance is for students to experience and engage in live Arts performances, as audience members. Parents/carers will receive an invoice (outlining the cost for their child/children to attend the performance) to be paid and a permission form (via QParents) to be completed, by the specified due dates.
Everton Park State High School organises and hosts an annual MADD Day. Selected students are invited to attend the day in order to have the opportunity to experience a variety of Arts lessons, ie. Instrumental Music, Drama, Visual Art, within the high school context. Students that attend will also experience a live Drama performance, presented by Everton Park State High School students.
Everton Park State School offers students a number of opportunities throughout the year to participate in various Arts programs, events, incursions and excursions.
In Term 3, our school participates in Footsteps Dance. This program is planned and delivered by the Footsteps Dance company. All students in Years P-6 are assessed on their participation and performances. Parents/carers will receive an invoice (outlining the cost for their child/children to participate in the program) to be paid by the specified due date.
In Term 4, our school places a bulk Music shirt order for students who are participants of the choir and instrumental music programs. Students commencing the program as well as current students are welcomed to place orders through Flexischools, which is managed by the school uniform shop. The cost of the Music shirt is $40 (incl. GST). Second hand shirts are also available from the school uniform shop, at a cost of $15.
On Friday Week 9, Term 4, our school hosts a Christmas carols event. This event usually takes place on the terraces. In the event that the weather is not ideal for that night, it will be postponed until the following Monday Week 10, Term 4. Students are encouraged to wear their 'Christmas clothes' (red, green, white, gold or silver clothing) along with any Christmas themed accessories.
In Term 4, our school places a bulk Music shirt order for students who are participants of the choir and instrumental music programs. Students commencing the program as well as current students are welcomed to place orders through Flexischools, which is managed by the school uniform shop. The cost of the Music shirt is $40 (incl. GST). Second hand shirts are also available from the school uniform shop, at a cost of $15.