
School Resource Scheme and Booklists


The Student Resource Scheme (SRS) was introduced to Everton Park State School (EPSS) in 2018 for Prep to Year 6 to ensure that all students had the necessary resources to support their educational requirements.  

It is a convenience to parents/caregivers as it provides a more economical and streamlined option for purchasing consumables and textbooks each year.  The scheme has been fully endorsed by the Everton Park State School Parents and Citizens' Association.  Details for the costs involved for the scheme are listed below.  

The scheme will operate at EPSS in 2025 under the policy and guidelines of Department of Education.  Parents/caregivers wishing to take up the offer to participate in the scheme pay an annual flat fee and sign an agreement to comply with the conditions of the scheme. 

Due to the unique nature of consumables for Prep, membership of the SRS is compulsory. While membership of this scheme is not compulsory from Years 1 - 6, the school and P&C encourages your participation.  Full participation rates offer the most benefits to parents, teachers and the learning experiences for the students.  

Costs for students participating in SRS for 2025

Consumables (supply of items on booklist)              $143.49
Printed class notes/Reproduced materials                $20.00
Extension of core curriculum activities                     $30.68
(Mathletics - $15.68, STEM consumables - $15.00)
Administration fee                                                 $15.00
Curriculum texts maintenance fee                           $5.83 (this is not for lost books)

Total per child:                                                      $215.00               

Items purchased via the SRS will be ready at school for your child to commence the 2023 school year. 

Costs for students NOT participating in SRS for 2025

Printed class notes/Reproduced materials                $20.00
Extension of core curriculum activities                     $30.68
(Mathletics - $15.68, STEM consumables - $15.00)

Total per child:                                                      $50.68 

If you choose not to participate in the SRS for 2025, you will then also need to provide the resources for your child as per their year level book list.

If you require any further clarification, please see the attached Frequently Asked Question sheet, email Sophie at or phone the office on 3550 2222. 


What is a Student Resource Scheme (SRS)?

A SRS is a service provided by the school to assist parents/caregivers with a cost effective alternative to purchasing textbooks, resources, consumables and/or materials from elsewhere, through reduced prices gained from the school's bulk purchasing processes. These resources enhance the student's engagement with the curriculum.

A SRS provides a convenient option that offers good value to participants and ensures participating students have access to the same standard of resources. Parents/caregivers will need to provide these resources themselves if they choose not to participate in the SRS.

How much do I need to pay to participate in the SRS?

Each school, in consultation with their P&C Association, determines the resources that will be included in the SRS, and the fees that will be charged for those resources.

What do I need to do if I want to participate in the SRS?

A form called the Participation Agreement Form (or PAF) will be provided to parents/caregivers to complete at enrolment for each SRS relevant to the child's enrolment.

Do I need to sign the SRS participation agreement form each year?

No, the participation agreement form allows parents/caregivers to participate in the SRS for the whole of their child's enrolment at the school. Parents/caregivers only need to complete a new participation agreement form if they change their mind about participating in the SRS in any year.

I have signed up to participate but how do I know what it will cost each year?

Each year the school will give parents/caregivers a list of resources included in the SRS and invoice parents/carers for the fee.

What do I need to do if I choose not to participate in the SRS?

Parents/carers should complete the PAF and select that they do not wish to participate. Parents/caregivers will then need to provide the resources for their child based on the list provided by the school. The school will include a list of costs for any school produced workbooks or resources that a parent/caregiver is unable to buy elsewhere.

Please note, if you have not bought into the Student Resource Scheme you will still be invoiced for 'Extension of Core curriculum activities' and 'Printed class notes/reproduced materials'.

Can I change my mind about participating in the SRS?

Yes, by completing a new participation agreement form, and returning it to the school.

If a parent/caregiver joined the SRS at the time of enrolment and now wishes to change their mind and not participate, then a completed PAF will need to be returned to the school before the annual invoice is due.

Can I choose what items I want to buy and only pay for those items in the SRS?

No, the SRS works because of the school's bulk buying power and the hiring of resources across multiple years. Because of this, the SRS does not work as a part participation model. Parents/caregiver who are not participating in the SRS are still able to separately purchase the resources that are produced by the school as parents are unable to buy these elsewhere.

If I join the school part-way through the year do I have to pay the full SRS fee?

As a SRS fee is based on participation for a full school year, the school will work out a fee that is calculated based on the amount of time left in the school year.

What happens if my child leaves during the course of the school year? 

Students leaving the school will be entitled, after receipt of a written request, to a pro-rata refund.  Forms requesting a refund are available from the school office and should be completed when informing the school of the student's departure.

If I can't afford the SRS fees, what options are available?

If parents/caregivers are experiencing financial hardship they should contact the school's Business Manager, Craig Dixon to arrange a meeting to talk about possible options. Ph: 3550 2222.

Am I able to join the scheme if I have overdue payments from the previous year? 

Families with outstanding amounts from previous years and who wish to participate in the scheme in 2024 MUST contact the school's Business Manager, Craig Dixon to discuss payment details. Ph: 3550 2222.

What happens if I agree to participate in the scheme and do not pay any of the amounts owing? 

While it is optional to join this scheme, once a commitment is made, there is an obligation on participating parents/caregivers to make these payments or provide their own resources.

What happens if I do not wish to participate in this scheme? 

Parents/caregivers who do not wish to participate in this scheme should complete the form, ticking the NO box and return it to the school office so that we know that you have made this decision and we will not need to follow up with you around payment. 

What if the Admin fee used for?  

Employing a member of staff to order, sort and distribute resource items to the classrooms.  Cost of purchasing labels for books and staff hours to create and label the resources.

Parents/caregivers who do not wish to participate in the scheme will need to liaise with their individual class teacher throughout the year as stationery/texts/art materials, etc. are needed.  The start-up booklist is a skeleton list to allow teachers the flexibility to order additional stationery/texts/etc as they are needed for units of work in each term.

What are the payment options?

Our preferred method of payment via QParents and BPoint. BPoint is a secure card payment collection portal provided by the Commonwealth Bank of Australia (CBA).  This option allows you to make payments on school invoices from home/work or on your smartphones.  You can use debit or credit cards as long as they have the MasterCard of Visa symbol. Payments made via BPoint are auto receipted and auto matched in our OneSchool Finance system. The BPoint web link will appear on your invoices and statements along with the appropriate reference numbers to use.

If I need further information? 

Any enquiries regarding the Student Resource Scheme may be directed to the school office.

Last reviewed 21 November 2024
Last updated 21 November 2024