


​​​​​​Homework is provided to students to allow opportunities to consolidate classroom learning, develop habits for lifelong learning outside of the classroom environment, as well as involve family members in children’s learning. When setting homework, teachers take into account the need for students to have a balanced lifestyle. This includes sufficient time for family, recreation, cultural pursuits and employment where appropriate.

Homework that enhances student learning:

  • is purposeful and relevant to students' needs
  • is appropriate to the students’ age
  • is appropriate to the capability of the student
  • develops the student's independence as a learner
  • is clearly related to class work
  • allows for student commitment to recreational, employment, family and cultural activities. 

At Everton Park State School, we believe that: 

  • When creating homework tasks it is important to take into consideration the range of activities students may be involved in outside of school. These may include a range of physical activities and sport, recreational and cultural pursuits, as well as family time.
  • Homework tasks should be designed to reinforce skills already mastered in the classroom. Students will not be expected to learn new concepts at home.
  • Homework tasks are created to meet the specific needs of individual children and are relevant to current curriculum and classroom learning.
  • A reading component is essential to ensuring students continue to develop reading skills, confidence and fluency. Continued reading at home also allows parents to develop an understanding of the reading capabilities of children.
  • Students should not be expected to complete class tasks as homework, without the guidance and professionalism of their teacher.
  • Students should not be expected to complete assessment tasks as homework, as this leads to inequitable access of materials and support. Students will complete assessment tasks during school time with appropriate guidance and assistance.
  • Homework is an important strategy for improving student outcomes, informing parents about what is happening in classrooms and indicating to parents student mastery of basic skills and will be marked by teachers.

These beliefs underpin the design of homework tasks at Everton Park State School and assist teachers in creating tasks to encourage the establishment of a positive routine of regular, independent study without overloading students.

Teachers will create tasks that are varied, related to class work and appropriate to students' learning needs. Teachers will check homework regularly and provide timely and useful feedback to students.  Teachers will endeavour to discuss with parents and caregivers any developing problems concerning their child's homework and suggest strategies to assist with their homework.

The Queensland Government has released a Homework in State Schools policy that sets out guidelines for homework, including the amount of time students should spend on homework each week. The policy recommends the following maximum homework hours over a week. In conjunction with this policy, this document outlines examples of activities which may be included in students’ homework.

Prep - Year 3

Could be up to but generally not more than 1 hour per week.

  • Homework Tasks could include:
  • Daily reading to, with and by parents/caregiver or other family member.
  • Conversations around what is happening at school.
  • Preparation for oral presentations.
  • Opportunities to write for meaningful purposes.
  • Activities to develop literacy, numeracy and problem solving skills.

Year 4 - 5

Could be up to but generally not more than 2 hours per week.

  • Homework Tasks could include:
  • Daily independent reading.
  • Activities to develop English, Mathematics and problem solving skills.
  • Opportunities to write for meaningful purposes.
  • Preparation of oral presentations.
  • Extension of class work.

Years 6

Could be up to but generally not more than 3 hours per week.

  • Homework Tasks could include:
  • Daily independent reading.
  • Activities to develop English, Mathematics and problem solving skills.
  • Conversations around what is happening at school.
  • Opportunities to write for meaningful purposes.
  • Preparation of oral presentations.
  • Extension of class work.

NOTE: Teachers may develop individualised homework that varies from the above guidelines, based on the students’ specific learning needs.

Parental involvement with homework is encouraged and informs parents about what is happening in classrooms.

Parents and caregivers can assist children with homework by:

  • Reading to your  child, talking with them and involving them in tasks at home including shopping, playing games and physical activity.
  • Helping your child complete homework tasks by discussing key questions, or directing them to resources.
  • Encouraging your child to take responsibility for their learning and organisation of time.
  • Encouraging your child to read and to take an interest in and discuss current local, national and international events.
  • Helping them balance the amount of time spent completing homework, watching television, playing computer games, playing sport and engaging in other recreational activities, and
  • Contacting the relevant teacher to discuss any concerns about the nature of homework and their children's approach to the homework.

For further information please view the relevant policy documents here.

Last reviewed 04 March 2024
Last updated 04 March 2024